Amphitheatre, Merida, Spain

Together with the Theatre, this is one of the most iconic monuments from the Roman period excavated in Merida. It was built at the same time of the theatre (at the end of the 1st century BC) and although smaller than other amphitheatres known in Iberia it still had a capacity of 15,000 spectators.
Amphitheatres were dedicated to gladiatorial games and frescoes with gladiatorial scenes, probably included during the great reform of the theatre that was carried out during Trajan's reign, were found on what would have been the parapet of one of the spectators boxes of the Amphitheatre. They are exhibited in the National Museum of Roman Art.

Opening hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. 25th Oct. to Mar.)
Entrance fee:€12 (together with the theatre); €15 the monumental circuit.

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